
STOP. smell a rose

Heeeey you. I hope todays been restful. We all need rest.

I was thinking about this past week. I had a weight goal I wasn't sure I'd ever get to.

This past Monday, on August 21st, I hit it. Still in shock.

I weigh myself every day. To some people this sounds crazy (which it was at first). I was afraid of the scale. Two years and 30 lbs ago (yes I did the "slowly but surely" method), the “how did I get myself to this place” thought and realizing I didn't like who I was (and what that meant for my future self, or maybe not having a future...) scared me. So "be the best me" became my mantra and I started taking action for me, for my future.

I've been working on myself the last few years, but I didn’t see the self-betterment STOP coming. 

I’ve been on a mission in a bad way recently…. When you look at EVERYTHING you “need” to accomplish and improve on ALL in the same moment, paralysis happens. Not healthy. It's not possible to do everything RIGHT NOW and yet I've been trying to do exactly that. Stress, little sleep, anxiety in my taking its toll.

Those papers I said I'd get to filing?? still on the floor. My laundry? haven't done in over a month (still simplifying life... clearly have TOO many clothes lol). This blogging thing? Definitely not going as fast as I want.

THEN Lewis Howes, the amazing man he is, reminded me…. “If you feel pain, stress, anxiety or overwhelm in your life…focus on training the body - it will strengthen the mind”. Yes, ...Lewis, I think you’re on to something. 

I know with experience that hurting people hurt people. When you feel like crap the world looks and FEELS like a bad place. Sometimes you must work through the pain, but sometimes you need to see it as a symptom of what needs to be restored. When that pain (in whatever form) is lifted, its like coming to the water’s surface after being under for way too long. This I know. Its relief and restoration to your entire being.

Its fabulous to have giant star-reaching goals, but at the end of the day whats accomplished when there’s no ACTION to make it real??? I get blinded by my big ideas and then I can't see the next step. So now I know I work really well with BABY changes. Why? With every tiny win comes accomplishment and with that feeling comes trusting yourself again..."hey... maybe I CAN do this!"

July 2008

Vulnerable moment... 30lbs down! I CAN do it!
(See??Not all pics are pretty.)

Still celebrating my weight win :D

Today make ONE baby change - thats all. 
(Mine was allowing myself to relax through a beautiful nap which in turn makes me more productive! Whats yours gonna be?)

You GOT this


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